Story 5 - scene 1

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CLAIRE I like animals.
Does the farm have animals?
ADAM Yes, it does.
DAVE Moo! Moo!
CLAIRE Oh, good.
CLAIRE Does the farm have ?
DAVE duck! duck! duck!
ADAM Don't do that, Dave. !
DAVE Don't be so , Adam. !
MRS KELLY it, please, you two.
M R KELLY The farm doesn't have chickens, Claire.
CLAIRE Oh. Does it have and ?
DAVE Oink! Oi...
ADAM Dave! Don't do that!
M R KELLY No, the farm doesn't have pigs and sheep
CLAIRE And other animals?
DAVE Miaow! Miaow!
M R KELLY Oh, yes. There's a on the farm.
CLAIRE Oh, a cat isn't very interesting.
DAVE Rosedale Farm is very big.
ADAM It's bigger a football fields.
CLAIRE But they only have cows?
ADAM Well, there are five hundred cows. The fields have grass and for the cows.